Thursday, July 28, 2016

Soaking up summer

Summer is in full swing and we are loving it! We've enjoyed a steady stream of guests this month eager to see the baby goats. Ole has really enjoyed playing host and even the goats are remarkably tolerant.
Flowers are in full bloom at last. They'll surely sizzle in the coming heat, so we're oohing while they last.

Gorgeous and gaudy gladiolus
The garden is plugging along. Weeds have all but taken over at this point (we brought the lawn mower in the other day--not a good sign!), but the veggies are still producing...zucchini, potatoes, walla walla sweet onions, cucumbers, peas, swiss chard and kale so far)
And here's the reason we grow lots of cucumbers:
The rest of our days are filled with bubbles, water balloons, jumping, and a new idea below: sailing wine cork boats in the birdbath.

Isn't summer the best?