Thursday, October 9, 2014


We harvested the pumpkins last week, taking advantage of a long string of nice sunny October days. I saved and planted seeds from last year's best pumpkins, and in addition to great classic pumpkins, we ended up with a few funky zucchini/pumpkin hybrids. So we learned a lesson in cross pollination, which is apparently common in squash, pumpkins, and gourds.

And then it was more fall fun with a visit to Bi-Zi Farms with Ole's preschool class. He had his first ride in a school bus and a fun morning in the hay bale maze, petting zoo, straw bale pyramid, and shuffling around a muddy field choosing his own pumpkin ("The child must be able to carry their own pumpkin!" shouted a farm employee. Apparently lots of parents must be scamming their kids into choosing the biggest pumpkins or something.)

Ole and the corn stalk.

Three-year-olds and a random hand.

Ole braving the tunnels. I offered to go with him, then chickened out when I saw how cramped they were. Instead, I ran around to the other side each time and called to him.

The loneliest boy on the pyramid.
Happy October!
All this pumpkin fun has us in the mood for fall and Halloween. Ole's still deciding on his costume choice, wavering daily between robot, pumpkin and tiger.