Thursday, March 31, 2011

Waiting for spring

In day 29 of 30 with rain here, I'm not feeling particularly inspired by this spring.  So much rain...  
I took Pepper to the river for a walk on the beach, but the river was so high there was no beach in sight.  
Alex found a way to entertain himself at the Big River Grill in Stevenson after an exciting evening at the town garage sale.
Those chickens grow up so fast!  29 days old today.  Even though I try not to, I'm picking favorites, like this thoughtful feather footed cochin.

 The frizzle is having a bad feather day, I think.  Must be all the rain.

Wednesday, March 16, 2011

What the wind blew in

Good friends made a visit to one point seven last weekend, and I could not have been more excited to see them. Missy and her little guy Gus flew in from Kentucky and Jacquie from Arizona.  We spent many hours inside trying to make Gus smile, but also found a few rain-free moments to get outside.
An afternoon in downtown Portland at Voodoo Doughnuts and Saturday Market and a little walk on Mt Tabor.
A glimpse of sunshine on Mt Tabor.
I hated to see them go, but they have some exciting things to look forward to...we'll all have some good stories to tell when we meet again.

Friday, March 4, 2011

Spring chicks

A special package arrived at the post office today--a loud, peeping box of baby chicks.  Once I got them settled, they quickly got to eating, drinking, and pooping.  There are sixteen all together: 4 California White Leghorns, 4 Sex Links (black and brown), 4 Cochins (barred and partridge), 2 Buff Brahmas, and 2 White Frizzles. 

 Pepper and the cats are very interested.  By next week, they'll be old news, but for now they're great entertainment for us all.

Wednesday, March 2, 2011


The neighbor's goat, Gracie, came to stay for a few days in the barn.  She's expecting and it has been too cold, windy, and snowy outside for this big mama.
Look at that belly!
After a quiet weekend, her kid arrived Tuesday afternoon.  She had a tough delivery but her midwife Julie was there to assist.
Protective mama with her new buck.
Just an hour old.
He's still working on getting his sea legs, but he's already discovered that he likes to be scratched behind the ears.  What a cutie!