Tuesday, September 23, 2014

Closer to home

Fall is officially here and I've been busy this week putting up our harvest of apples, sweet corn, and so so many tomatoes. It's always a big undertaking, but there they sit on the kitchen counter staring at me, awaiting their turn. Clearly the pressure is getting to me!
Oh, how I love my apple peeler corer slicer!
Unhusked tomatillos destined for a big batch of salsa verde.

My first time growing cannellini beans. After shucking, I gave them a few hours in the food dehydrator to be sure they're ready for the long haul. I think they're so pretty, they may not ever get eaten.
One of our hens hatched a baby chick a while back and we set them up with their own little coop near the house. It has been fun seeing it grow and interact with mama. Plus, with the hen raising it, we have less work! I noticed the other evening that the hen was roosting about 4 feet off the ground outside the coop, so I started looking for her chick. I looked in, under, and all around the coop beginning to worry. Then I spotted it. Aww!
Ole started preschool again this fall, surely a relief for both of us. He has enjoyed it right from the start.

And more than a month after Ole's birthday, the balloons are still floating in the sun room. It just seems joyless to slash them, but when the heck are they going to sink?

Friday, September 12, 2014

South Beach

We capped off a wonderful summer with a camping trip to South Beach State Park on the coast near Newport. We've been camping nearly annually with this same group of friends since the 90's and long ago we dubbed it EcoVillage. It has changed over the years to include our growing families, but at its core, it's about gathering around the campfire, drinking beer, and laughing. Ole biked, rode his scooter, ran around, and had such a fun time playing with all the kids.