Saturday, October 22, 2011

Wednesday, October 19, 2011

Helpful hands

Stephanie has a way with babies, even crying ones.  She puts Ole in the football hold and sways around a bit and he drifts peacefully off to sleep.  Just like that.  Thinking about it now, she seems to handle every sticky situation in life with the same sangfroid.  And she comes bearing cookies...what more could you ask for in a friend?

Friday, October 14, 2011

The beauty of procrastination

We were struggling to get the lawn mowed before the rains started, but I was taken with the glow of the dandelions in the fading sun.


The apple crop was fantastic this year, so we took a special trip down to the cabin to pick them.  I'm not sure what variety they are, but they're a nice tart pie apple, and we get a nice crop every other year.  It seemed extra abundant this year for some reason--probably because we didn't prune or spray.  We harvested all we needed and more and took maybe half.  The deer or the neighbors will scavenge the rest.
I feel that I should mention that we got up in the morning and went directly outside to pick apples and that's why we look like we just woke up...because we did.

I'm working to freeze most of the apples this year.  I use my trusty apple-peeler-corer-slicer and dip them in lemon water before loading them in freezer bags.  Twenty pounds done so far...
 The chickens get the scraps, but guess who else loves apples?