Saturday, April 25, 2015

All my peeps

We'd been keeping vigil for twenty-one days when we heard a muffled peeping coming from the incubator. A tiny hole appeared in each shell. Then a long crack in one, methodically chipped all the way around. A wet orb emerged, unfurling into a dark chick. We ooohed and cheered and squealed at the magic of it all.
Bedtime came, and we peeled ourselves away,one tiny chick's eyes following us from inside the incubator. I slept fitfully and finally slipped down to check on them in the wee hours. Hooray! Seven new baby chicks fully hatched and smushed together.
We made a morning trip to the local feed and seed for a heat lamp bulb and fresh bag of pine shavings, then moved the chicks to their new home. Once they'd dried and warmed, they mulled around pecking and scratching like pros.
These are the best days--cuddling their soft fluff , noticing the changes day by day, playing silly chick games. The best!


Monday, April 13, 2015

These days

Spring is just the best. We're getting into the swing of running outside when the weather is nice, saving inside work and play for the rainy days. It seems that overnight Ole grew into all the playground equipment, opening up a whole new world of fun.

Worm digging has been our other major spring pastime--much to the delight of the chickens.

We tore ourselves away from home-sweet-home this weekend for two 4-year-old birthday parties. Oh boy! The first was a princess party with Princess Ana from Frozen. Ole was glued to my lap and not at all impressed to see a genuine princess.
"Mom, look! There's candy!"
The next party got him off my lap! Fun with bubbles, balloons, and dinosaurs.
We also had a good day recently at Portland's aquarium (meh) and Bob's Red Mill (awesome) with our friend Stephanie.
And of course we're keeping it loose with yoga.
Then there was that day Ole decided to mail himself to the North Pole. 
Boots, rope, and BunBun? He'll be fine!
Finally, I thought I'd give a behind the scenes peek of our mead bottling operation. There's a batch of dry honey wine, one of blackberry, and one of rhubarb. And I learned a new word! Melomel--a mead that contains fruit. Who knew!