Wednesday, May 31, 2017

Memorial Day

Each Memorial Day, we make time to walk through the old cemetery next door. The caretakers spend the weekends before mowing and trimming, and just before Memorial Day, they add sweet bouquets of flowers. It's a quiet country cemetery, with graves going back to the 1800's, and we talk about what life must have been like here so long ago. Tough and wild.
Back at home, the weekend was all about the garden. We tilled and raked the beds smooth, planting a little of everything, plus a lot of tomato plants--25 or so of the Cordova variety for canning and salsa making (and my favorite--homemade pizza sauce). The zucchini, corn, and cucumbers we planted last week are already up and growing like crazy.
Radishes and snap peas

This year's beehive is doing great! We've had a rough few years with bees, so we've got our fingers crossed for a bounty of honey this summer. Alex has taken over the beekeeping as I've become less gung-ho about it, but I do stand nearby giving "helpful tips." I imagine eventually he'll tell me to buzz off.
He's just hamming it up, though it looks a bit like he was stung in the butt.
And I'll end with a couple photos of the happy kid. We disassembled and moved the trampoline back outside for the summer and even put the sprinkler underneath on a particularly hot day.
Walking on sunshine, yeaaah

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