Friday, December 13, 2013

Turkey day to noble fir

I've been distracted by a broken camera and lagging laptop lately, but I'm trying to get back in the game.
Well, first there was Thanksgiving. We were joined by our parents on both sides and our brothers. Here we're capping off a fine evening with pumpkin pie and coffee.
 And the morning after...still full!
There were bike rides in dry weather.
And bike rides in snow!
That pretty much catches us up to today when we trekked into the wilds of Washougal in search of the perfect Christmas tree. We've been loyal to the same u-cut farm for the last several years, but I heard about this fun place with a petting zoo and a miniature donkey named Elvis, so we gave it a whirl.
Ole grabbed a cart with a saw and set off single-mindedly.
It's a quiet foggy Friday, perfect for a hike through the firs. Where, oh where is the tree for us?
Oh, there it is!
Let's cut it down! Ever helpful, Ole is behind the tree trying to ram it over with the cart.
We cart it back to tree central for shaking and tying.
Then a stop in their beautiful barn to meet the animals...bunnies, pigs, goats, ducks, and chickens.
And Elvis, of course!

The lovely tree is standing bare in our living room now. Tomorrow we'll hang the lights and decorations. I'll be sure to keep you posted.

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