Monday, August 13, 2012

Road trip!

We hit the road this month to spend some quality time in my homeland of Minnesota. First it was to Bemidji for a visit to Paul Bunyan and Babe the Blue Ox and the rest of my family. We feasted on garden veggies. Grandpa helped Ole with his first ear of sweet corn (or that might be his second...he ate a lot of sweet corn!).
Then it was on to the North Shore of Lake Superior to meet up with good friends. Here's Alison with little Ingrid, Missy, Ole and me, Jacquie, and Missy's boy, Gus. We tossed about a million rocks in the lake while we caught up.
We goofed around in Grand Marais as the town celebrated Fisherman's Picnic.
Then up the Gunflint Trail to visit a few of my favorite lakes. Ole celebrated his first birthday with a cake from Grandma and marveled at his new farm set.
Alex and I got away for a quiet night of camping and canoeing on Alpine Lake. 
Whew, says Ole, this trip is exhausting!  Let's go home.
We tried to take in a few sights along the long road back home.  Ole took this dugout canoe out for a paddle at Pompeys Pillar while we looked at William Clark's signature, carved into rock as they passed by during their expedition in 1806.
We admired this metal sculpture in Butte, Montana.  Ole already senses that sometimes you've got to really get in really close to appreciate art.
And we're home just in time for the dog days of summer.

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