Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Baby bee baby bee

We've been spending a lot more time outside now that the weather has warmed.  I have the daunting task of preventing sunburn on Ole's waxen skin, so I've paired the giant sun hat with SPF 45.  It's so practical and so darn cute!
Alex's folks and brother came out for a visit and brunch on Mother's Day.  They haven't seen Ole since he was a wee baby, and Ole was eager to show off his new crawling and standing skills.
Ole giggles as Patrick blows on his wispy hair

We moved the hives into a sunnier location this year.  They're doing great so far, buzzing happily and visiting our patch of blooming red clover.  Here I checked each hive for new eggs, a sign that it has a healthy queen.
And we're still prepping and planting the garden, very thankful for the dry warm days.

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