Sunday, April 3, 2011

Goodbye and hello!

We said goodbye to our rooster this weekend.  He's gone to a better, not that great soup pot in the sky.  A nice chicken-loving couple took him home to their farm and twenty-five hens, where his roosterly services will be put to good use.  It's quiet around here without his morning crow, but soon enough I'm sure we'll hear a scratchy practice crow from one of the new chicks.  Now that the chicks are a month old and I'm fed up with them as roommates, the three old hens will bunk with the goats and the new chicks have run of the coop.  We spied on them from outside; they look so tiny in that big hen house.
Today, we visited some neighbors who are downsizing and we took home their aged angora goat in our Subaru (a sight to see!).  She is sad to be leaving her llama buddies, but hopefully Milton and Iva will befriend her in time.  We trimmed her overgrown hooves and clipped the worst of her mats, but she'll need a good shearing this spring. 

She's quiet so far and curious.  We're not sure of her age, maybe around ten, but far to old to be nameless, so we're brainstorming...maybe Callie from the same cemetery headstone as Milton and Iva Belle?
Me and George
Green blossom tea, a Sunday morning treat

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